Thursday, March 19, 2009


Everyone wishes to live a healthy and happy life, but very few really take efforts. Only when one is ill, does he know the value of good health. Nature has provided us with a variety of food, which we can include in our diet in its natural form. A diet containing fruits juices and vegetables is not only good for the health but also gives a glow to your skin and rejuvenates the body. They help flush out unwanted toxins.
Here we begin : -

Oranges are rich source of Vitamin C. It prevents constipation. They work as cleansers and improve the skin and supports the immune system.

Carrots has vitamin A and is very good for the eyes. They are one of the richest source of beta carotene.Carrot juice if taken in the morning on an empty stomach is very beneficial. It develops immunity. Prevents premature aging. It has anti-cancer properties.

Beetroot is very good for anemic persons .It does wonders to your skin. It purifies the blood and is rejuvenating.

Pineapple juice is very rich in vitamin C. It also contains Vitamins A&B. Taken with honey it is very good for the throat.

Grapes are effective for constipation and gives relief in piles. It prevents dryness of skin and it purifies the blood.

Tomatoes contain iron and is rich in vitamin A. Recommended for those who want to reduce their weight. It combats cancer.

Watermelon cools our body and are excellent cleansers.

Cucumber cools our body and is very good for those who want to lose weight. They work as astringents, cooling and brightening agents of the skin. It can be used in natural face packs also.

Lemons protect your heart, control your blood pressure and is excellent for the skin and hair. Works as a bleach for the skin. Lemon juice mixed with warm water and honey can be taken daily the first thing in the morning to have a clear complexion. It can be taken for weight reduction also.
And last but not the least do remember Fruit and vegetable juices should not be taken together at the same time.