Saturday, August 30, 2008



Beet root is gone out of fashion vegetable for those in the antiseptic west. It's a messy vegetable to be dealt with,it's juices can stain your clothes,it needs alot of cleaning coz of it's soil dressing and above all people don't know how long it is to be cooked... Well,well but it's health benefits are legion.

Beetroot's pigments come from a set of compounds known as betalains which are thought to have powerful and diverse antioxidant effects including preventing the oxidisation of LDL cholesterol.Beetroot's main benefits are that it contains no fat, very few calories and is a great source of fibre.Great news isn't it :)

It is one of the richest sources of folic acid, which helps to protect unborn babies from spina bifida, and is also thought to help lower homocysteine levels in the blood.Beetroot contains copious amounts of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium, and silica which makes it a useful antidote to eating too much salt and a contributor to lowering blood pressure. Silica aids the uptake of calcium.

Moreover it is also helpful in curing Anaemia,Digestive disorders,Constipation & piles,kidney & gall bladder disorders and above all the most common problem of Dandruff,isn't it amazing....

So the next time you see beetroot don't forget to include it in your salad plate.

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