Saturday, August 30, 2008



Ginger has long been renowned for its use in cooking and for its aromatic smell, but did you know that there are also many health benefits of ginger root such as curing nausea and helping with digestion.

The health benefits of ginger come from chemicals called volatile oils, specifically gingerols and shogaols, that also give ginger its spicy, pungent taste. Those oils stimulate your body to produce more digestive juices and help neutralize the stomach acids that cause cramping, nausea and diarrhea. Ginger is also a natural decongestant and antihistamine, which makes it a natural treatment for head colds

Other Benefits of ginger are :-

# Danish researchers found that ginger can block the effects of prostaglandin - a substance that cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain and can lead to migraines.

# Ginger was found to be effective for relieving the severity of nausea even in cases of pregnancy.

# Respiratory infections - it is well known for its warming action on the upper respiratory tract, so it has been used to treat colds and flu.

# It has been found to be effective in cramps caused by stomach gas. Ginger also stimulates digestion.

# It has a wholesome effect on the circulatory system as it makes the platelets less sticky and is of great benefit in case of circulatory disorders.

# As a mood enhancer, ginger's cineole content may help contribute to stress relief.

# It is a great mouth freshener and ginger tea has vastly refreshing properties.

# Ginger may ward off the temporary unpleasant effects of alcohol i.e., healthy hangover relief!

# Ginger dates back to the Middle Ages, when women presented the treat as a favor to knights going into battle. The gingerbread was elaborately and ornately decorated, sometimes even with gold leaf!



Beet root is gone out of fashion vegetable for those in the antiseptic west. It's a messy vegetable to be dealt with,it's juices can stain your clothes,it needs alot of cleaning coz of it's soil dressing and above all people don't know how long it is to be cooked... Well,well but it's health benefits are legion.

Beetroot's pigments come from a set of compounds known as betalains which are thought to have powerful and diverse antioxidant effects including preventing the oxidisation of LDL cholesterol.Beetroot's main benefits are that it contains no fat, very few calories and is a great source of fibre.Great news isn't it :)

It is one of the richest sources of folic acid, which helps to protect unborn babies from spina bifida, and is also thought to help lower homocysteine levels in the blood.Beetroot contains copious amounts of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium, and silica which makes it a useful antidote to eating too much salt and a contributor to lowering blood pressure. Silica aids the uptake of calcium.

Moreover it is also helpful in curing Anaemia,Digestive disorders,Constipation & piles,kidney & gall bladder disorders and above all the most common problem of Dandruff,isn't it amazing....

So the next time you see beetroot don't forget to include it in your salad plate.



"Spinach" as we hear this name and the great Popeye pops up in our mind.
He ate spinach and see where he reached....Do you remember when you were kid ur mom used to tell you to eat Spinach coz it is gud for you. And how can mothers be wrong??
Spinach a green leafy vegetable loaded with ample amount of calcium,folic acid,Vitamin K and iron. In itself Spinach is a powerhouse rich with vitamin C,fiber,carotenoids,lutein and bioflavanoids.
It's a Superstar in nutrition.
It is a power disease-fighting anti-toxidant which helps to reduce the risk of developing Cataract.
Spinach fights against Cancer and heart-disease as well.
And for the weight concious people Spinach is the best food to have as it has 0% fat content. What else would you ask for??????

Fresh or frozen,add these greens to your food menu as often as you can and enjoy !!!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Almond A Healthy Nut

You must have heard the famous saying-“Don’t go nuts over nuts”. But the time has come when this saying needs to be redefined as looking at the health benefits of certain nuts, one can easily get the license of going nuts over them. One such healthy nut is that of almond which not only tastes good, but has also got numerous nutritional and health benefits. According to new health researches, adding almonds to your diet can prove to be an effective prescription for leading a healthy and a happy life.

Almonds have uncountable health benefits. From mind to body to skin, it is beneficial for all. Almonds have a very high amount of protein so they are the best product for nourishment of hair and skin. Regular consumption of almonds has shown to reduce the cholesterol level of a person by 14%. Almonds have all unsaturated fats that lower the blood cholesterol. Munching of almonds before meal helps people avoid over eating. Almonds are full of proteins, fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E and other antioxidants and phytochemicals. Almonds have been shown to promote good health, especially when they are part of a healthful diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and low fat whole grain products. They contain the right kind of fats-monounsaturated and some polyunsaturated, so they help lower the bad cholesterol, while not touching the high-density, or good cholesterol levels. The folic acid in almonds is believed to help lower levels of homocystein, the amino acid that is thought to contribute to the buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries

Also, studies have shown links between nut (especially almond) consumption and lower risk of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and other chronic illnesses

Looking at the health benefits of almonds, one can easily call them a wonder food.

Thus, the next time you feel like having a munchy snack, go for the healthy and hearty almonds which can help in the overall well-being of a person.