Saturday, September 13, 2008


The tomato not only thrills the taste buds and brightens the dinner table, it also helps fight disease.They are the fourth most loved vegetables in the world.This ia mainly coz of the health awareness of the vegetable.

To begin with the health benefits services rendered by tomatoes they have rich content of vitamin C. They also contain vitamin A and potassium along with substancial amount of iron.

-The red pigment contained in tomatoes is called lycopene. This compound appears to act as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body. Only recently, studies have revealed that lycopene may have twice the punch of another well-known antioxidant betacarotene.
-Eating tomatoes in case of congestion of liver gives you fruitful results. Tomatoes also aids in dissolving of gallstones

-Nicotine acid present in tomatoes reduces the cholesterol level of body. This way tomato keeps the body away from heart ailments like hear attack, heart blockage etc.

-Tomatoes are very effective in purifying the blood.

-Regular intake of tomatoes also improves the texture of your skin and color. It provides natural redness to your cheeks. You can prepare various face-packs in your home using tomatoes as per your skin type that can rejuvenate and refresh your skin.

-Since ages, tomato is known to be a natural antiseptic. Intake as well as application of tomatoes works wonders for your body both internally as well as externally
As tomatoes are rich in all these above nutrients doctor recommends regular intake of tomatoes to people, suffering from high homocysteine level.

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